1970년 대한민국 최초 진돗개 전문단체로 출범한 한국진도견협회
대한민국의 성숙한 애견문화를 정착시킨 한국진도견협회
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작성자 최고관… 작성일23-12-20 08:51 조회1,021회 댓글0건



대한민국 법률에 의거 천연기념물 53호로 지정된 진돗개는 국내에서는 이미 총명함과 충직함용맹함으로  우수성이 입증 되었으며 전세계 반려견 애호가들의 관심이 증가하고 있습니다 대표적인 사례로 지난 2005 영국의 케넬클럽 (Kennel Club of UK) 에서 197번째로같은  아르헨티나에서 개최된 세계애견연맹총회 (FCI) 에서  334 공인 견종으로 인정을 받았습니다.

진돗개 고유의 특성을 보호육성하고 발전시키며 국내에서 바른 애견문화를 선도하기 위한 목적으로 국내 최초로 설립된 한국진도견협회는  역사가 50년에 이르렀습니다앞으로도 진돗개 애호가 여러분들의 기대와 요구에 부응하며 애호가들의 반려견으로서 사랑받기 위한 활동과 노력을 아끼지 않을 것입니다.

저희 한국진도견협회를 방문한 여러분들의 관심과 사랑에 다시한번 감사드리며 여러분들의 원하는 목적에 만족하는 콘텐츠 제공에 더욱 노력하겠습니다.


Indigenous to Korea, the Jindo breed was designated in 1962 as Natural Monument No 53 under Korean law, cementing its symbolic and protected status in the country. It is one of Korea’s most famous breeds and a key part of Korean culture, known for its exceptional intelligence, loyalty and bravery. As Korean culture expands globally, so too has the global interest in Jindo breed. In 2005, Jindo dog was recognized as the 197th official breed by the Kennel Club of the UK and as the 334th official breed by the world canine organization, Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in the same year.

The Korean Jindo Dog Association was the first organization of its kind in Korea and indeed the world. Our sole mission is to protect, preserve and develop the unique characteristics of Jindo dogs, educate people about healthy animal companionship culture with the Jindo breed and serve in a leadership role in promoting the Jindo breed worldwide. We have dedicated over a half-century to this mission and will continue to dedicate all of our resources to ensuring that more and more animal enthusiasts will get to know and love this exceptional breed.

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation for your interest and love by visiting the Korean Jindo Dog Association. We will make every effort to provide content and information that fulfills your needs in learning about and hopefully taking care of Jindo breed.


    한국진도견협회장 이 철 용 /  chul-yong,   Lee.   ceo        hp-010-9042-2266  e-cy7447@naver.com